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How often should you change outdoor lighting?

Website Editor

Outdoor lighting is extremely hard wearing and tends to last a long time. This is why it’s such an attractive option, because despite an initial cash investment this type of lighting is ultimately great long term value. The question we’re debating today however is how often should you change them?

How often should outdoor lighting be changed?

As we’ve already mentioned LED light bulbs won’t need changing anywhere near as often as conventional lighting. And the good news is that on average they’ll last for around 5 to 10 years. However, this depends upon how often you use them and, can in some cases, last longer than you might think.

Remember they’re outside

Outdoor LED lights are susceptible to the elements, including, excessive moisture or freezing temperatures or heat. There are a few signs to look out for, so you know exactly when to change your LED lights.

Colours and temperatures

Look out for a yellow hue whenever they light up, the colour temperature will reveal itself. Authentic colours will be indistinguishable and appear differently, e.g. grass, instead of being green may show up as orange or red.


If you’ve got your LED lighting on continuously, then they won’t last anywhere near as long. This also drives up energy costs and the lights themselves will feel the strain of being switched on permanently. However, since the 1970’s LED lights have been improving continuously, and are being constantly replaced with better efficiency and longer lifespans.

Permanent use, surface facing diodes and your LED lights:

If you think your Outdoor LED lighting is going to be used on a permanent basis then there are things you can do to make sure they last longer. It’s all about those lovely surface-facing diodes, and the higher the number in your LED light the better. This will give them a slightly flat appearance but there’ll be an improvement in the deposit of light. Ask at a DIY store or our electricians in Edinburgh if you’re unsure.

Repair and take care of your installations:

Always have a repair kit handy, most DIY stores will have them, and this should extend the lifespan of your LED lighting installation. Also try and make sure you have the right type of wattage for your needs.

Check the wiring and buying quality LED lights

Always check the wiring if there is a problem as it could be something that’s easy to resolve rather than buying new ones. Keep in mind that a cheap LED light won’t last very long either, so always get your outdoor lights from a reputable retailer.

VC Electrical – for all your outdoor LED Lighting installations

If you’d like to discuss any points raised in this post about LED lighting installations, then please do get in touch with us, we’re here to help. Just give us a call and one of our dedicated team members will take you through any hints and tips you need and help you resolve any problems. We can also install outdoor lighting installations for you so do please ask us about that. We look forward to hearing from you!